
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Absence Makes the Heart Go Fonder

I know  I haven't posted on here since back in January. Life gets in the way. As  well  as me forgetting this blog. No more putting my blog on the backburner.  I will promise  to post more frequently from this point on.  I don't want  to post a review for every book I have read. I will share posts of the books  I received for review. Along  with the book's  I adore.  I wish you all could still comment on here. I miss getting feedback from you all.

What you've missed while  I was gone. I completed my  Goodreads  goal for the year. I know I set it at 20.  I surpassed that number so  I reset  it to 100. Woohoo!! I'm currently  reading 2 books. Yes,  I am one of those readers who reads more than one book at a time. I usually like  to have a Kindle book on the go and a physical  book.

Besides reading....  I  have been spending  time with my  family  and my kitties. We added 5 more this past April. The house has been a little more crazy but  I wouldn't trade it in for anything. We  have 9 cats, all fixed and have their shots. One dog....  I spent  time at a local dirt racing track.My little brother actually raced a few races there. Nervous about him doing it again  next  year.  I got my third  tattoo a ladybug on my left hand. My Mom, my future sister  in law, and myself got them.

I guess that is everything I needed  to catch you all up on. I will be posting my complete list of books  I read in 2016. Along with my top 16 of 2016.

Happy Reading, Ashley

Saturday, January 9, 2016

2015 Reading Goals Wrap Up/ 2016 Reading Goals

My reading challenges for 2015 were:
I set my Goodreads reading challenge to 40 books. Which I did completed. I then kept track of the books I read after my goal which was 53. In total I read 94 books in 2015.
My other reading challenge was to finish up some series I had opened. Out of my list I had set. I only finished 5. Only one series wasn't on my list. I abandoned a few that I no longer wish to read. The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, and the Incarceron dulogy by Catherine Fisher.

Onto to my reading goals for 2016:
My Goodreads goal is 20 books.
Read more of my own books (physical books and kindle books)
Read whatever catches my eyes
No TBR's , I don't know about you guys but if I make a list of books to read. I lose interest and will read other books to avoid the ones I choose beforehand.
Less YA more adult fiction. Don't get me wrong I love YA. But I feel a bit burned out on YA. I will read some YA. But it won't be the front runner for me anymore.
Finish series. I know I failed at this goal in 2015. But I really need to finish more series.

That's my goals for the year. What are yours?

Happy Reading, Ashley

My Top 15 of 2015

These are the books I loved in 2015. Let's get started:

1. Everything Leads To You by Nina LaCour
2. Queen of Shadows by Sarah j. Maas
3. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah j. Maas
4. Steelheart series by Brandon Sanderson
5. Attachments by Rainbow Rowell
6. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
7. Reckless in Love series by Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully
8. Mosquitoland by David Arnold
9. Armada by Ernest Cline
10. November 9 by Colleen Hoover
11. Mean Streak by Sandra Brown
12. Unbound trilogy by Rachel Vincent
13. The Nightmare Before Christmas by Tim Burton
14. Dark Places by Gillian Flynn
15. End of Days by Susan Ee

All in all I had a wonderful reading year in 2015. I will go over my goals for 2015 and my goals for 2016 in my next post.

What is your favorite books of 2015?

Happy Reading, Ashley.

December Wrap Up 2015

December wasn't a great reading month for myself. I only read three books. But hey three is better than none. So here is the three books I read in December.
1. Sweep Volume 5 by Cate Tiernan 5/5 stars
I'm sad I finished the Sweep series. It was a wonderful series and the best ending.
2. Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James 5/5 stars (reread)
3. The Twelve Days of Yule by Shanddaramon 3/5 stars

What did you read in December?

Happy Reading, Ashley.