Friday Reads # 4 and Weekend Reads. I am taking part in the Bout of Books 22. I've read 4 books so far. And I'm currently reading a book on my kindle and have another one line up. If I can finish them both over the weekend that would be great. I might read another Goosebumps book.
The two books I have on my kindle right now:
Vanilla and Vice by Tabatha Vargo and Melissa Andrea (I'm 23% done with it )
Doppelbanger by Heather M. Orgeron
If I have finish them I will pick up Monster Blood 4 by R.L. Stine. I'm trying to read or reread the Goosebumps I have. I know there were some I never read as a kid. I also have the Shivers series, same goes with them. There are some I read as a kid.
What are your Friday Reads? What are you reading over the weeknd?
Happy Reading, Ashley
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