Thursday, January 11, 2018

Update and Just Random Thoughts

So I logged onto my blog. And found some comments. Thank you all for that. I accidentally deleted one. I'm sorry Jenn. I didn't mean it. After all these years of running my blog you think I'd know how to undelete a comment. But nope....  warms my heart when I see comments. It really does. I still feel like a newbie.

2018 has been an interesting year already. I just hope the remainder will be better. My birthday is coming up. Ehhh.... I am always two ways about my birthday. I'm either happy about it or sad. This year I'm both. I lost my Nana two days after my 13th birthday back in 2000. So I basically started hating it ever since. I just want to hide until the day is over.

Late night ramblings from me.....

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